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Spring Veggies for Your Favorite Dish

Cleaned and Sliced Leeks
Melissa’s Cleaned and Sliced Leeks make it easy. The edible part of the vegetable is carefully sliced into ready-to-use pieces. This new pack is simple and convenient to use in your favorite recipes. Leeks are related to both onions and garlic, but they are milder in flavor and fragrance. Used primarily as a soup green, leeks can also be used in salads or just cooked with a combination of vegetables for a side dish.

Leeks are low calorie and full of flavor. They are high in Vitamin A and a good source of Vitamin C. A great addition to salads or any recipe where you would use chives or shallots.  

Steamed Baby Beets

Peeled and Steamed Baby Red Beets
Melissa's Peeled and Steamed Baby Red Beets are so convenient and easy to use. No more mess from peeling and cooking fresh beets. These no-hassle beets are vacuum sealed for extended shelf-life (a good 3 months!). Just slice or dice and add to your favorite recipe. They can be served hot or cold.

Melissa's Peeled and Steamed Baby Red Beets are approximately 40 calories each and contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol. Beets are also a source of fiber and are rich in potassium.

Steamed Red Kidney Beans

Steamed Red Kidney Beans
Melissa's Steamed Red Kidney Beans are so convenient and easy to use. They are ready-to-eat out of the package as is or heated up; there is no extra prep time! Kidney beans are delicious and a high fiber food. Add them to soups, stews and casseroles, or toss them into a salad for added flavor. They are a healthy addition to any dish. They come packaged in a vacuum sealed package with an extended shelf life.

French Echalion Shallots

French Echalion Shallots
French Echalion Shallots are a full-flavored shallot variety and because of their long shape, are very easy to peel and cook quickly. They are also known as a Banana Shallot because of their shape and size. Their delicate onion flavor complements sauces and salad dressings. Substitute shallots for onions in all your favorite recipes. Shallots are covered with a thin, paper-like skin that can range from pale brown to light gray to a soft rose. French Echalion Shallots are low in calories and sodium, making them a great ingredient to add flavor without adding salt. They are available year around in your local markets.

Chile Peppers

Variety Chile Peppers
Chile peppers have been cultivated for more than 7,000 years and were used extensively by the Incas and the Aztecs. Today, they are used by many ethnic groups in their daily cooking preparations. There are so many varieties of fresh chile peppers: Yellow (or Caribe), Pasilla (or Poblano), Red Fresno, Habanero, Jalapeño, Anaheim, and Serrano, to name a few. Chile peppers get their heat from ‘capsaicin’, an oil in them that can burn your eyes and mouth. The hottest of these mentioned is the habanero chile, which is off the heat scale in comparison to the others. Generally, the smaller the chile, the hotter the bite. Also, when preparing chiles, if you remove the seeds and inside ribs, the chile will be milder. We also suggest wearing gloves and being careful not to touch your eyes.

A newer addition to these familiar chiles is the Shishito Pepper. These chile peppers are approximately 3-5 inches long. They are used in both Asian and Latin cuisine. Most shishitos are mild, but occasionally you can get a hot one! They have an unusual shape, with twists and turns in every chile. They offer a nice green skin and thick walls, which makes them great for stuffing. Shishito Peppers are delicious sautéed, sprinkled with a little soy sauce and sesame oil, and eaten as a side dish.

Chile peppers add a delightful flavor to any dish they are added to. Try them in eggs, soups, stir-fries, sauces or even bread. They are very versatile...and you can use more or less to your liking. Chiles should be refrigerated and used immediately for best flavor. They are low calorie and are a great substitute for salty seasonings.

Fingerling Potatoes

Fingerling Potatoes
Russian Banana Fingerlings, named for their development in the Baltic States, look like a banana in shape. These yellow skinned potatoes are unique fingerlings. They have a firmer texture and are an excellent base for potato salad. Russian Bananas are one of the most popular of the fingerlings. Ruby Crescent Fingerling potatoes are long and slender with rose-pink skin and sweet yellow flesh. These potatoes are very interesting in the way they occasionally grow branched off one another. They are the best roasting potato and are also delicious boiled for potato salad or baked and topped with sour cream. French Fingerlings are medium size tubers with satin smooth reddish orange skin. These potatoes are rumored to have been smuggled into America from Europe long ago in a horse’s feed bag. A welcome addition today, these potatoes are delicious boiled for potato salad or baked and topped with sour cream. Fingerling potatoes make a great side dish for any meal. They are low calorie and filling…making them great for those watching their food intake.

Ginger Root

Ginger Root
Ginger Root is one of the most popular “spices” used for flavoring foods and giving them some extra zing. It is most commonly found in Asian and Indian cooking, but it is finding its way into more and more recipes every day because of its pungent aroma and tangy flavor. Ginger is a root that looks like branches growing and it is referred to as a “hand” of ginger. It is usually grated or thinly sliced to be used in stir-fries, dessert dishes, soups, casseroles and beverages.

Ginger Root has virtually no calories or nutritional value, but adds a robust flavor to anything it is used in. It should be stored in the refrigerator, tightly wrapped in plastic and used in a week or so. It can also be frozen for up to 2 months.

Baby Dutch Yellow Potatoes

Dutch Yellow® Potatoes
Grown year round in nutrient-rich volcanic soils where the days are warm and the nights are cool, Melissa’s baby Dutch Yellow® Potatoes are produced under ideal conditions to create an irresistibly sweet potato. Our baby Dutch Yellow® has a distinct, yellow flesh with a subtle flavor and a creamy texture. These are the best tasting potatoes on the market today. They are naturally sweet and taste like they are already buttered. Dutch Yellow® Potatoes are an excellent source of fiber and potassium, and are low in calories. They are great when baked, roasted, mashed or sautéed. They are also delicious in potato salad, too.


Jicama is a very popular vegetable in today’s produce department. Generally thought to be eaten mainly by Hispanics, it is also popular among Asians and Americans. Sometimes called a ‘yam bean’, jicama looks like a turnip, but the taste is similar to a potato or waterchestnut. It is a very versatile vegetable, from eating raw in salads or with dips, to boiling and mashing like a regular potato. Jicama is also a great substitute for waterchestnuts, with the same juicy, crunchy flesh that stays firm when slightly cooked. Jicama must be peeled before using, and should be stored like potatoes in a cool, dry place. It should last several weeks when stored properly. Jicama is very low in calories (about 22 per 3 oz.), and an excellent source of Vitamin A. Also, a good source of Vitamin C and iron.


Tomatillos are sometimes referred to as a Mexican husk tomato. They are thought to be native to Mexico, but no one is certain. Tomatillos are grown in California and a few other areas, along with Mexico. They are very popular for making green salsa. Tomatillos are actually a fruit, but like a regular tomato, are used like a vegetable. The best way to store tomatillos is with the husk on, in the refrigerator. They should keep for at least one week. Tomatillos can be eaten raw, like a red tomato, but are most often used in fresh salsa. They are an excellent source of Vitamin A and C and are very low in calories.

Pearl Onions

Pearl Onions
Pearl Onions are available in three colors: White, red and gold. They are available year round and Melissa’s offers them packaged several ways. Pearl onions are a mild onion, about 1-inch in diameter. They have a papery skin and look like a miniature regular onion. Pearl Onions are very popular around the holidays. They are generally used in vegetable sautés, casseroles or creamed in a side dish. Pearl onions are great on skewers or in sauces too.

To peel pearl onions, blanch them in boiling water, and then plunge them into cold water. Cut off the root end, and squeeze the onion out of the skin. It is very simple and easy for such a delicious treat. Pearls should be stored in a cool dry place, just as you would a large onion. They are very low calorie, and very low sodium with some iron and Vitamin C.
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