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Certified Organic

  • What’s in a Name?
    Melissa's Produce

    What’s in a Name?

    June 2016
    The other day I got to thinking… I understand why a blackberry is called a blackberry. Or a blueberry, a blueberry but why are strawberries, strawberries?
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  • Image of Organic Avocados
    Melissa's Produce

    Cinco De Mama

    May 2016
    May is famous for two holidays, Mother’s Day and Cinco de Mayo. Being only 3 days apart, why not combine them and have a Cinco de Mama celebration?
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  • Image of Chard
    Melissa's Produce

    Take Chard of Your Health

    April 2016
    There is a lot of hoopla around Kale these days. It seems as if everyone is talking about it or trying the latest Kale recipe. And yet long before Kale was King, Swiss Chard reigned supreme.
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  • Image of Organic Minneola Tangelos
    Melissa's Produce

    Springtime in a Glass

    March 2016
    In the children’s story Goldilocks, the young girl looked around the bear’s house for the perfect bed to nap in. One was toooo soft, one was toooo hard, and one was just right!
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  • Image of Organic Tangerines
    Melissa's Produce

    Celebrating Valentine’s Day

    February 2016
    During a conversation at lunch the other day with my clients in Lake Tahoe, CA I asked, “What would your favorite romantic meal be?” The answers were very interesting.
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  • Image of Organic Yellow Onions
    Melissa's Produce

    Happy Hot Dish

    December 2015
    We all have them - you know, those guilty pleasure foods that are your go-to meals when you are tired or had a hard day or just want something yummy and easy to make.
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