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Celebrating Valentine’s Day

By Mark Mulcahy

During a conversation at lunch the other day with my clients in Lake Tahoe, CA I asked, “What would your favorite romantic meal be?” The answers were very interesting. Ranging from, “Any meal my partner would actually cook for me” or “I don't know if I’ve ever had one”, to “I work full time and have four kids, the closest I come to dating is when my wife and I jump on the snowmobile and share a bottle of wine on the summit overlooking the lake.”
Image of Organic Strawberries and Chocolate
Encouraging them to play with me a bit, I asked, “Could some produce come into play with your summit ride?” He thought for a second, then excitedly proclaimed, “Yeah, I could bring chocolate covered strawberries.” I loved that idea! Even though berries can be a little pricey this time of year it’s important to treat ourselves now and then. The fun part of this is that you get to share those chocolate berries as well! While another eagerly said, “Whatever comes with a picnic in bed.” We smiled, all imagining our own perfect picnic, then another said, “Warm organic sweet potato soup in a thermos with fresh crusty bread and organic veggie kabobs by the fire pit after a day of skiing!” Now we are getting somewhere! I didn't realize the question would have such varied answers, but I love that we finally got to place where we were all having fun with it.
Image of Organic Tangerines
The warm soup and organic veggie kabobs by the fire pit sounded fantastic! Whatever comes with a picnic in bed sounded intriguing, so I suggested bringing the mattress to the living room and watching a favorite romantic movie with the finger food of choice. “What would be your finger food”, I asked. Ripe organic pears, tangerines, kiwi, quiche and champagne quickly rolled off his tongue.

My point being, we can all get stuck in the rut of routine when it comes to romance and making meals. So why not mix the two together for a fun, fresh perspective on both? Whatever you do, have some fun and include lots of Melissa’s organic produce on your menu from fire-roasted veggie kabobs to fresh-squeezed orange juice in your Valentine mimosas.

I think I’m going to grab some olives, slice up some nice cheese, open some prosecco and pop in “Dan in Real life”. Make time on Valentine’s Day, or any day this winter, to spice up your routine and cook up something special for yourself and the ones you love.
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