Uniq Fruit
For Chefs & Produce Managers Food Service: 323-584-4940 Produce Managers: 800-468-7111
Quantity/Pack: 5 pounds
Seasonality: Feb-Apr
Origin: USA
It has an unbelievable taste and is very juicy. Its taste is between a mandarin and a grapefruit, and it is delicious when simply peeled and eaten out of your hand.
Uniq Fruit was discovered as an accidental seedling in Jamaica where it was propagated and exported beginning in the 1930’s. It is often marketed by the trademark name, Ugli Fruit, which is consistent with its unusual appearance. Ironically, it has an unbelievable taste and is very juicy. Its taste is somewhere between a mandarin and a grapefruit, and it is delicious when simply peeled and eaten out of your hand.
Uniq Fruit ranges in size from a large naval orange to that of a large grapefruit. Its thick skin makes it much easier to peel than other citrus fruits and usually ranges in color from lime-green to a light orange. Often, the skin has natural traces of mottling, bronzing, surface scarring or uneven coloring. The interior is yellow-orange in color and is relatively free of seeds. Uniq Fruit is a wonderfully refreshing change of pace from the ordinary orange.
Uniq Fruit from Melissa’s is hand-selected for excellent quality. Choose fruit that is richly colored and fragrant. Usually sold ripe and ready to eat, store at room temperature for up to one week or for up to two weeks in the refrigerator.
Uniq Fruit can be enjoyed in much the same way as other citrus fruit and is especially delicious eaten out of hand. It may be halved like grapefruit or used as a light addition to fruit or vegetable salads, gelatin desserts and compotes.
The following prohibit the shipment of any citrus into their state: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, and Hawaii.
This item is perishable and must ship at least 2nd day.
Any orders that do not have the appropriate shipping method selected will not be shipped out. For assistance, please call us at 800-588-0151.