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Veggies for Summer Fun in the Sun

Image of Melissa’s DYP’s® (Baby Dutch Yellow® Potatoes)
Melissa’s DYP’s® (Baby Dutch Yellow® Potatoes)
Grown in nutrient-rich volcanic soils where the days are warm and the nights are cool, Melissa’s Baby DYP’s® are produced under ideal conditions to create an irresistibly sweet potato. Our baby DYP’s® have a distinctive yellow flesh with a subtle flavor and creamy texture. They are low in fat, with about 20 calories per ounce; perfect for baking, frying, mashing or preparing into delicious potato salad. They are perfect for summer grilling or roasting, too.

Image of DYP™ Cookbook
For over 100 great DYP™ recipes, check out our cookbook.

Store Melissa’s Baby DYP’s® in a cool, dark place for best flavor.

Image of Steamed Artichoke Hearts
Steamed Artichoke Hearts
These ready-to-eat artichokes hearts are so convenient and delicious. Packaged in a vacuum sealed package, they are low calorie and a good source of fiber and vitamin C. They have a six month shelf life, making them perfect for last minute hors d’oeuvres or salads.

Image of Veggie Mini Peppers
Veggie Sweet Peppers
These are small-sized, sweet bell peppers that are shaped more like chile peppers, but have a sweet taste and good texture. These virtually seedless red, yellow and orange assorted Veggie Sweet Peppers add a surprisingly mild flavor to dishes or can be eaten out of hand. Their petite size is convenient and easy to add to recipes. Served raw, Veggie Sweet Peppers add crunch to salads and appetizers, or a surprising texture in stir-fries. They go wonderfully on a vegetable platter or they can be stuffed and eaten as an appetizer.

Image of Boiler Onions
Boiler Onions
Boiler Onions are available in white, red, and gold. These versatile onions are about one inch in diameter and impart a sweet, pungent flavor. They can be cooked as a side dish and are preferred for use in pickling and stews. Boiler onions are available year-round. They are perfect for summer grilling and holiday dishes. Delicious in salads, soups, main dishes or barbecued on skewers…

Melissa’s Boiler Onions should be firm, with dry, papery skins. Store whole dry onions in a cool, dry place with good air circulation for up to two months. Once cut, tightly wrap any unused onion in plastic, refrigerate and use within a few days.

Image of Sno Peas
Sno Peas
Sno Peas are completely edible (except the top stem), sweet pods that are crispy and delicious. They are generally used in stir fry dishes, salads, side dishes, or even plain as a snack. Sno peas make great hors d’oeuvres, too. Try them stuffed with cream cheese or a creamy dip. Sno peas are a very perishable pod and should be used as soon as possible. After purchasing, store unwashed sno peas in the crisper section of your refrigerator for 1-2 days. When preparing, remove top stem and then add them last to your recipe to keep them crisp and sweet. Sno peas are very low calorie, low in sodium and a good source of fiber and iron. They are also an excellent source of vitamin C.

Image of Chile Peppers
Chile Peppers
Chile peppers have been cultivated for more than 7,000 years, used extensively by the Incas and the Aztecs. Today, they are used by many ethnic groups in their daily cooking preparations. There are several varieties of fresh chile peppers: Yellow (or Caribe), Pasilla (or Poblano), Fresno-red and green, Habanero-assorted colors, Jalapeño, Anaheim-red and green, and Serrano, to name a few. Chile peppers get their heat from ‘capsaicin’, an oil in them that can burn your eyes and mouth. The hottest of these mentioned is the habanero chile, which is off the heat scale in comparison to the others. Generally, the smaller the chile, the hotter the bite. Also, when preparing chiles, if you remove the seeds, the chile will be milder. We also suggest wearing gloves and use caution not to touch your eyes.

Chile peppers add a delightful flavor to any dish they are added to. Try them in eggs, soups, stir-fries, sauces or even bread. They are very versatile...and you can use more or less to your liking. Chiles should be refrigerated and used immediately for best flavor. They are low calorie and are a great substitute for salty seasonings.

Image of The Great Pepper Cookbook
The Great Pepper Cookbook
This is one of our newest books highlighting all kinds of peppers from mild peppers to the hottest peppers around. Melissa’s is the source of supply for any kind of pepper you may need. Our new book has great simple and unusual recipes for everyone. It also offers nutrition, heat levels and basic info on peppers. Available in hard copy through Melissa’s only.

Image of Microwavable Baby Vegetables
Microwavable Baby Vegetables
Melissa’s microwaveable baby vegetables are ready to go veggies in several varieties: Baby Peeled Carrots, Baby Green Zucchini, Baby Summer Squash, Baby Veggie Medley, French Beans, Sugar Snap Peas and Sno Peas. They are packaged in a value added microwavable dish. In just 2-3 minutes you can create a delicious side dish. Just microwave and serve.

Image of Steamed Baby Red Beets
Steamed Baby Red Beets
Melissa's Steamed Baby Red Beets are very delicious, convenient and easy to use. No more mess from boiling and peeling fresh beets! These no-hassle beets are vacuum-sealed for extended shelf-life (a good 3 months!). Just slice or dice and add to your favorite recipe. They can be served hot or cold.

Melissa's Steamed Baby Red Beets are approximately 40 calories each and contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol. Beets are also a good source of fiber and are rich in potassium.

We also have a new pack of cubed Steamed Baby Red Beets in vinaigrette. Perfect for a ready-to-go side dish or add to a green salad for delicious flavor.

Image of Steamed Red Kidney Beans
Steamed Red Kidney Beans
Melissa's Steamed Red Kidney Beans are ready-to-eat right out of the package. They are pre-cooked for quick and easy use. These delicious beans are made naturally with no preservatives. They are delicious in dips, appetizers, salads, sauces, stews, and soups. Use them in your favorite chili recipe for the best flavor available in red kidney beans!

Image of Mini Cucumbers
Mini Cucumbers
Crisp and refreshing mini cucumbers are generally eaten raw with dip, in salads, on sandwiches or even pickled. Cucumbers have virtually no calories and are very thirst quenching. A delicious and refreshing drink is to slice a few cucumber pieces and a couple of lemon or lime slices and put into a pitcher of cold water. You will love the added flavor!
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