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Cookin' With The Kids

  • Image of Glazed Carrots and Apricots with Green Beans
    Melissa's Produce

    Simple Sides: Apricots

    August 2012
    For me, apricots have always been an iconic symbol of the summer fruit season. This kid-size, bright orange globe of juicy, sweet-tart goodness has traditionally been a popular, healthy hand snack or key ingredient in an old-fashioned cobbler or tart.
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  • Image of Kiwifruit Vegetable Medley
    Melissa's Produce

    Simple Sides: Kiwifruit

    July 2012
    Kiwifruit is the perfect kid fruit; it is small, easy to scoop out of its fuzzy skin, colorful and, most of all, delicious.
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  • Image of South African Baby Pineapples
    Melissa's Produce

    Simple Sides: Pineapples

    April 2012
    What kid can resist a fresh, juicy pineapple in any form? This tropical fruit is a favorite ingredient of all ages, be it served in an upside-down dessert, topped on ice cream, blended into a smoothie or simply grilled on the barby.
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  • Image of Sweet Potato and Apple Casserole
    Melissa's Produce

    Simple Sides: Apples

    October 2011
    It’s apple harvest season and every retail supermarket in the country is bursting with all kinds of colorful varieties in the peak of flavor.
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  • Image of Roasted Grapes and Carrots
    Melissa's Produce

    Simple Sides: Grapes

    August 2011
    In August, California’s Central Valley hits full production of the region’s table grape harvest, which spurs mountain-sized retail displays of these tasty berries that are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
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  • Image of stuffed apples
    Melissa's Produce

    Baked Stuffed Apple

    September 2009
    Take advantage of the early fall apple season with this simple, healthy and absolutely scrumptious baked apple dish that your kids will have great fun preparing with just a little adult supervision.
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