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Fabulous February

February is here, bringing us colder weather, the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day. And don’t forget Idaho Potato Lovers Month and American Heart Month, too.

Super Bowl Sunday is February 12th and will be played at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. This state-of-the-art stadium has a retractable natural grass playing surface, retractable roof and air conditioning to keep the fans cool! Food and drinks are also a highlight; look for some healthier concessions to enjoy while at the game.

Image of Crispy Chickpea Snax - Garlic
If you’re going to be watching the big game on TV, be sure you are prepared with plenty of delicious and healthy snacks. Melissa’s is here to help. Charcuteries are the trending entertaining foods today so try putting a tray of finger hors d’oeuvres together with cut cucumbers, carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes and hummus dip. Our Clean Snax® and Chickpea Snax are perfect for any gathering – so many flavors to choose from! Your guests will be happy and so will their waistlines!
Image of Jalapeno Peppers
The next big February celebration is Valentine’s Day. February 14th is considered the “most romantic” day of the year. It is definitely one of the busiest days for restaurants, with couples trying to have a romantic dinner together, but instead get frustrated waiting for their reservation in a crazy-busy atmosphere… so instead of waiting for hours to eat, enjoy a special evening filled with good food and romance at home. Melissa’s has some great Valentine’s Day suggestions to make your dinner better. Did you know that fresh chiles release endorphins and boost mood and energy? Try adding a little heat to your Valentine’s Day meal by cooking with Melissa’s fresh chiles. Add them to any recipe with some fresh seasonal vegetables, like pearl onions, Asian veggies, and fresh and dried mushrooms to create a simple vegetable sauté.
Image of Crepes and Dessert Sauces
Enjoy Melissa’s Crêpes for a sweet dessert; stuff them with fresh berries and cream and top them with our delicious dessert sauces. Crêpes are perfect to set the mood at the end of the evening. Strawberries have always been a romantic fruit. Try some fresh organic strawberries to add to your dessert crêpes. Try them in salads, desserts or sprinkled with a little sugar.
Image of Organic Dried Goji Berries
Another “romantic” ingredient is the Goji Berry. These little berries are packed with nutrition and are considered an aphrodisiac. You will find them dried, and you can use them in recipes like you would use a raisin. They are mildly sweet with a little tartness. Try some for a little added romance.
Image of Pomegranates
Pomegranates represent fertility and reproduction. Eating these on Valentine’s Day has couples believing they will start or add to their family in the coming year. Crack open a whole fresh pomegranate or try Melissa’s Pomegranate Arils in your recipes. They are perfect for adding to salads or sprinkling on plates as a garnish to add color.
Image of Truffles
And last but not least, the most coveted romantic ingredient: fresh Truffles. Add fresh truffles to your favorite pasta dish, chicken or beef. They are so aromatic and pungent, and will add so much flavor.

Other celebrations in February lasting the entire month:
Idaho Potato Lover’s Month. Celebrate every day with potatoes! Melissa’s offers several delicious, low-fat recipes to create the perfect potato dishes. Dutch Yellow® potatoes have a creamy texture and are delicious mashed. Dutch Red®, Dutch Blue®, Baby Baker Russets, Baby Reds, Gemstones®, Fingerlings and Peewees are perfect for side dishes and sautés. Potatoes are super versatile. Bake, mash, broil, grill or use as an ingredient in soups, casseroles and salads. They can be enjoyed with the skin on or peeled off.

American Heart Month lasts the entire month of February. Learning about heart-healthy foods will help you feel better and live longer. Start off eating your ten servings of fruits and vegetables every day. It’s so easy with all the convenient products we offer, from vacuum-sealed legumes to pre-packed vegetables.

Eating foods that are high in omega-3 vitamins like salmon and tuna, as well as chickpeas, raspberries, walnuts and high-fiber foods, will help keep your heart in good shape!

February is a great month to celebrate!

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