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June Swoon

By Mark Mulcahy

June is named after Juno, the Roman goddess of youth and protection. Her name (Latin Iūnō) comes from the root word for “young” (Iuuen) and goes back to the idea of vital energy and fertility.

This ties perfectly into the world of organic produce because while May may be the time of MMM’s (Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day), June approaches with flirtatious glances at summer’s beautifully full bounty of deliciousness, such as gnawing on the pit of a perfectly ripe Organic Honey Mango because it is just that good or remembering that organic strawberries really are a berry of delightful sweetness. June is the official start of our summer romance with everything we have been waiting for all year.

Although the word swoon technically means "to faint," today, it has more of a positive connotation and isn't used so literally. People say they swoon when they encounter something so wonderful that it makes them dizzy with joy. Summer produce fits this image perfectly, along with fruit pie, that perfect Hawaiian shirt or flowy summer dress, or (if you’re a baseball fan like I am) a laser throw from right field to third base to nail a runner… all things that might make you swoon!

But when it comes right down to it, summer produce has something to make each and every one of us swoon.

Which Melissa's organic summertime produce item brings you joy? Nearly all organic berries have hit their stride in June. Organic peaches are starting to get good as well (though truth be told, July is my peach swooning month). Even the organic Galia and honeydew melons that can make any mouth start to water with their intoxicating fragrance and sweet sugary flesh are showing up in full grandeur. Organic nectarines and plums have many of us filling out our shopping lists early to make sure these summer treats are the first thing in our basket.

And we haven't even started on vegetables! The summer staple of organic fresh corn is in abundance, along with snappy green beans and cucumbers. If you’re like me, trying your hardest to wait for organic summer tomatoes, June is the beginning of a long beautiful journey that brings about dreams of BLT sandwiches, basil & tomato salads, and maybe even handfuls of sun gold to munch while having lunch by the pool.

Welcome to June and enjoy the long, delicious summer ahead!
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