SKU 360
For Chefs & Produce Managers Food Service: 323-584-4940 Produce Managers: 800-468-7111
Quantity/Pack: 3 packages (3 Ounces each)
Seasonality: Year Round
Origin: USA
As a member of the onion family, shallots are tender in texture, mild in flavor (less pungent than the onion), and quick cooking. On the outside, shallots have a copper-tinged brown skin, parchment-thin and brittle that covers the shallot's flesh. The flesh is off-white and tinged with purple, and arranged in onion-like layers.
Choose those with dry, papery skins and avoid any signs of moisture, green shoots or dark spots. Humidity breeds spoilage so store whole shallots in a cool, dry place with good air circulation. Once cut, tightly wrap any unused in plastic; refrigerate and use within four days.