Organic Gold Nugget™ Tangerines
For Chefs & Produce Managers Food Service: 323-584-4940 Produce Managers: 800-468-7111
Quantity/Pack: 5 lbs.
Seasonality: Mar - May
Origin: USA
Grown in California.
A seedless, sweet tangerine named after its bright orange, slightly bumpy rind. This hybrid is a cross between two noncommercial tangerine varieties: the Wilking and Kincy, by the University of California at Riverside. The Gold Nugget™ is a great juicer, averaging a 50% juice content. The fruit itself is a deep orange color with a moderately fine texture.
Considered by professional taste panels to be one of the very best flavored citrus’ in the world, Gold Nugget Tangerines have a rich, sweet, full-bodied taste.
Choose a tangerine that feels heavy (juicy) for its size with a soft but not wrinkled skin that is bright, not dull in color. The fruit will stay fresh two weeks under proper refrigeration.
The following prohibit the shipment of any citrus into their state: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, and Hawaii. If you would like to order this gift for shipment to an address in AZ, FL, GA, LA, TX, or HI, we will substitute the citrus for another seasonal fruit variety.
This item is perishable and must ship at least 2nd Day.
Any orders that do not have the appropriate shipping method selected will not be shipped. For assistance, please call us at 800-588-0151.