Cubanelle Peppers
SKU 569
For Chefs & Produce Managers Food Service: 323-584-4940 Produce Managers: 800-468-7111
Seasonality: Jun - Oct
Origin: USA, Mexico
Cubanelle Peppers are a creamy-yellow translucent color, very similar to the Banana Wax Pepper. However, these two peppers differ in heat, color and size. The Cubanelle has a thin skin with a thick flesh due to its immaturity.
Picked at an immature stage, the Cubanelle Peppers are yellow and has a sweet hot flavor varying from warm to moderately hot.
During the 65 day Cubanelle Peppers maturing stage the color changes to an orange-red and the heat rises to an almost inedible intense heat while keeping its sweetness. Although the pepper can be eaten at any stage, the Cubanella Pepper is most popular in the yellow stages.
This pepper is traditionally pickled or made into yellow mole sauces. The Cubanelle Pepper is excellent in traditional Latin dishes adding color to bean and rice dishes, as well as adding a bite to any soups or salads.
Picked at an immature stage, the Cubanelle Peppers are yellow and has a sweet hot flavor varying from warm to moderately hot.
During the 65 day Cubanelle Peppers maturing stage the color changes to an orange-red and the heat rises to an almost inedible intense heat while keeping its sweetness. Although the pepper can be eaten at any stage, the Cubanella Pepper is most popular in the yellow stages.
This pepper is traditionally pickled or made into yellow mole sauces. The Cubanelle Pepper is excellent in traditional Latin dishes adding color to bean and rice dishes, as well as adding a bite to any soups or salads.
Melissa’s Cubanelle Peppers are hand-selected for excellent quality. Choose crisp, yellow, glossy peppers for freshness. Avoid limp and shriveled peppers.
Store peppers in a paper bag, between paper towels or in a plastic bag for up to 5 days in the refrigerator.