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Hami Melons

SKU 676
This item is currently not in season.
Not available for sale online. Ask your local produce manager.

For Chefs & Produce Managers
Food Service: 323-584-4940
Produce Managers: 800-468-7111

Seasonality: May - Aug
Origin: USA

This is a very special variety melon in which the seed originated in the Xingjiang area of China. Oblong in shape with yellow skin and green streaks throughout, the Hami melon has a juicy orange flesh. Its flavor profile is reminiscent to a very sweet cantaloupe, with more flavor and firmer crunchy texture.

These melons are sweet and refreshing and are a wonderful addition to breakfast. Also, try them with a sprinkle of ginger, salt, or a squeeze of lemon or lime. These melons add sweetness to fruit salads or in refreshing drinks, such as fruit punches or daiquiris.

Melissa’s Hami Melons are hand-selected for excellent quality. Choose firm with sweet fragrance. Look for fruit heavy for its size, yielding slightly under pressure. Keep cut or ripe fruit in refrigerator for up to three days. Ripen at room temperature.