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Low Carb Kitchen

  • Image of roasted canteloupe
    Melissa's Produce

    Carb Solutions: Roasted Cantaloupe?

    March 2022
    Unlike most of the recipes that appear in this blog, this month’s low carb dish is not a solution for anything, except maybe a delicious and extremely healthy lunch!
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  • Image of Cabbage Salad
    Melissa's Produce

    Carb Solutions: No Mayo Summer Cabbage Salad

    June 2021
    In June, the kitchen stove is replaced with the backyard grill more often than not, which means coming up with simple side dishes that do not require more heat to prepare than the outside summer temperature. 
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  • Carb Solution:  Ice Cream!
    Melissa's Produce

    Carb Solution: Ice Cream!

    July 2020
    While a large bowl of made-in-Vermont Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream can never again be a solution to the sweltering temperatures of July...
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  • Blueberry-Melon Freeze
    Melissa's Produce

    Carb Solutions: Summertime Ice Cream

    June 2019
    There are not many culinary pleasures that are enjoyed universally by young and old, rich and poor, right and left leaning voters alike; a bowl of ice cream is one of them.
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  • Crockpot Meatballs in Kiwi Berry Jam
    Melissa's Produce

    Carb Solutions: Game Day Low Carb Crockpot

    January 2019
    Here’s a recipe that contains two low carb solutions in one dish. It’s always a challenge to find tasty AND glycemic-friendly nibbles at a football viewing party where the traditional bowls...
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  • Image of Ice cream with strawberries
    Melissa's Produce

    Carb Solutions: Ice Cream!

    August 2017
    It is true that fruit does contain a natural sugar, called fructose, but it is a much different kind of carbohydrate than the sucrose that is refined table sugar.
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