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Flavor First

  • Asian Salad with Miso Dressing</
    Melissa's Produce

    Condiments are Key

    April 2019
    Defined as a relish, sauce, dressing or other food accompaniment, condiments can be used in a variety of ways to add zip and zest to a meal. 
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  • Braised Red Cabbage
    Melissa's Produce

    Cabbage is King

    March 2019
    Cabbage is king. With hundreds of varieties to choose from, it’s easy, inexpensive, and loved the world over. 
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  • Simple Sukiyaki
    Melissa's Produce

    Sizzling Hot Pots

    February 2019
    One of our favorite things on cold rainy winter nights are Asian 
    hot pot dinners which reign supreme from Japan to Cambodia. 
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  • Bean Ragout with Wilted Greens
    Melissa's Produce

    Ragù or Ragout?

    January 2019
    Their pronunciations are similar but they’re very different dishes. 
    Ragù is Italian and defined as a meat-based sauce made to serve with pasta. 
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  • Grainola
    Melissa's Produce

    Homemade Holidays

    December 2018
    I don’t know about you, but the older I get, the less I care about receiving gifts. First of all, I don’t really need anything.
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