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Flavor First

  • A Vegan Twist for Thanksgiving Dressing
    Melissa's Produce

    A Vegan Twist for Thanksgiving Dressing

    November 2021
    When I told my husband I was developing a vegan Thanksgiving recipe for this month’s blog, he said, “why”? Fair question: since we have a Thanksgiving turkey each year, and we rarely eat vegan food. I had to think for a minute before I could explain the significance of my recipe selection.
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  • Vegan Edamame Curry
    Melissa's Produce

    Curry Time

    January 2021
    As a chef and dietitian, I am always asked about healthy cooking tips, especially as they relate to weight loss. 
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  • Barley Risotto with Wilted Greens
    Melissa's Produce

    Falling for Risotto

    September 2019
    Many people choose to follow restrictive eating plans these days, whether it’s to lose weight or to restrict certain nutrients (such as carbohydrates) or a specific compound (such as the gluten protein) from their diets. For that reason, I tend to not write about grains as frequently as I used to.
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