May Celebrations...

On May 5, 1862, in Puebla, Mexico, about 2,000 Mexican soldiers under the command of General Ignacio de Zaragoza, defeated invading French forces of 6,000 men. During this important national holiday, parades and mock battles — using fruits as ammunition — are the highlight of the day. Dances, parties, fireworks, and patriotic foods, all celebrate the victory at Puebla. Americans celebrate Cinco de Mayo as if it was one of their personal triumphs, but it is not. It is merely another day of fun, food and festivities. Melissa's has some great food suggestions to create a delicious holiday from mole to guacamole! Fresh chilies, Soyrizo, Soy Taco and other fresh Melissa’s ingredients will make your Cinco de Mayo delicious!!
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. This year it is May 9th. It is a nationwide celebration with food, flowers and gifts. Mother’s Day is credited to Anna M. Jarvis. Most historians believe that Mother's Day was first celebrated at a church in West Virginia in 1907. It was a special service arranged by Anna M. Jarvis to honor the memory of her own mother. Seven years later, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother's Day a national holiday.
Mother’s everywhere are showered with hand-made gifts and cards and special meals are prepared to celebrate this once a year holiday. From breakfast in bed, to a family cooked meal, mom’s are not supposed to do anything but what they want on this holiday. Restaurants are also the busiest on Mother’s Day, so Melissa’s offers recipes for a stress-free menu to prepare for mom. Be sure to celebrate Mother’s Day this year with Melissa’s and an assortment of our simple, yet delicious recipes.
Memorial Day is Monday, May 31, 2010. This is an important holiday celebrated in the United States honoring US men and women who died while serving in the military service. Families and groups gather at cemeteries and decorate the graves of those who have fallen. Others celebrate at home or the beach with friends, families and plenty of fun and food. Simple picnic-type recipes are perfect for Memorial Day! Try our Baby Dutch Greek Potato recipe for a delicious and easy to take along side dish. Fresh cut fruits and vegetables are always a hit, too!