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Catch the Hatch®!

Gaining popularity in the commercial chile pepper world, Authentic Hatch Peppers are a Southwestern favorite and are named after the original growing area in Hatch, New Mexico.
Image of Hatch Peppers
Melissa’s Hatch Peppers are grown in the Mesilla Valley, just north of Las Cruces, New Mexico. They started as a local pepper crop and are now well known, especially in the states of New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. Researchers say the intense sunlight and cool nights in the valley result in a uniquely flavored pepper. The valley, which stretches along the Rio Grande’s southern-most bend before crossing into Texas and Mexico, is covered with row after row of green, leafy Hatch plants for most of the summer. An older cousin of the fresh green Anaheim, Hatch have meaty flesh and can be very mild or have a medium to very hot bite.
Hatch Roasting Location
Hatch peppers are moving into mainstream produce departments as well as the culinary world. Many supermarkets host “Hatch Roasts” where you can buy your fresh Hatch peppers and have them roasted right in front of you! Also, many restaurant chefs are adding seasonal recipes featuring Hatch peppers to their menus.
Image of Hatch Pepper Taqueria Salsa
New products made with genuine Hatch peppers are on the market and selling like crazy! Melissa’s has new Hatch-enhanced items: Hatch Pepper Avocado Salsa, Taqueria Salsa, and red and green Hatch Hot Sauce… you won’t want to miss these! Don’t forget about our shaker with red or green Hatch pepper powder so you can have your Hatch fix all year-round!

Refreshing Summertime Agua Fresca
Another perfect addition to summer is a cool, refreshing, thirst-quenching drink: AGUA FRESCA. Agua Fresca is basically flavored water. You can get as creative as you want! One of the latest trends is filling a water bottle and adding cut fruit to flavor it. One of the most refreshing drinks is:

Fresh Mini Cucumber slices
Fresh Seedless Lemon slices
Mint, for garnish

Using a serving pitcher, add the cucumber and lemon slices and cover with water. Serve cold with a sprig of fresh mint.

Try freezing some of this flavored water with a small piece of fruit for a flavorful ice cube to add to your favorite drink.

Some great fruits to add are:
Visit our website for more ideas!

Along with enjoying your Hatch peppers and Agua Frescas, here are a handful of tips to keep your summer fresh and healthy:
  • Always keep plenty of cut fruits and veggies in the fridge: carrots, celery, watermelon, sprite melons, or any other melon. This will ensure you and your kids grab the best snack instead of the chips or cookies.
  • Set a bowl on the kitchen counter filled with ready-to-eat stone fruit like white nectarines, peaches, pluots, or any other favorites. These are perfect for a quick grab-n-go snack on the way out the door!
  • Cut up fresh veggies for dipping. If you are pressed for time, buy a ready-to-go veggie platter and set it out for the kids… you will be pleasantly surprised by how quickly it disappears!
  • Prepare a pitcher of water with slices of fresh lemon or lime and slices of fresh cucumber (really!). This is so refreshing and delicious; you won’t crave the sugary juice or sodas.
  • If you are going to a barbecue, make a side-dish that you can enjoy without feeling guilty. Try making a fresh tropical fruit salad with fresh lychees or some other tropical fruits. Everyone loves different things and won’t realize they are healthy too! Our ready-to-eat Quinoa and Steamed Lentils make great summer salads, too!
  • Freeze grapes or bananas for a cool treat. You can even dip them in melted chocolate!
Melissa’s fresh fruits and vegetables make it easy to stick to the plan for the summer. Getting your 5-10 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day plays an important part in your well-being, so it’s best to start now!

Coming next month: Labor Day 9/4 and the Jewish Holiday, Rosh Hashanah 9/15.
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