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April Brings Us National Soy Month and Earth Day

Image of tofu
Soy is an excellent source of protein making it the perfect alternative for someone who doesn’t eat meat, like vegetarians or vegans.

Soy has become a very popular food item in today’s trendy food culture. As recent as 10 years, soy products were generally only available at health food markets or nutrition stores. Now, you can find soy products in your local supermarket, and plenty of them!

Soy is a subtropical plant native to Asia and where it has been a dietary staple for over 5,000 years.

Soy was introduced to the United States in the 1800’s and soy cultivation began during World War ll.

Soy is an excellent source of protein making it the perfect alternative for someone who doesn’t eat meat, like vegetarians or vegans. Today, you can find soy taco meat, soy chicken, soy cheese, soy hot dogs and more.

During National Soy Month, try one of these delicious soy products and you will be pleasantly surprised. Take one step closer to a healthier lifestyle by incorporating soy into your diet.

Earth Day is April 22. Earth Day is an annual day on which events are held worldwide in over 192 countries to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Take a moment to think about how much waste you might produce… try some of these simple solutions to help the earth stay clean for generations to come.

Recycle, recycle, recycle!
Don’t forget to recycle your plastic, glass, newspapers, and aluminum

Save water
Take shorter showers
Don’t leave the water running when you brush your teeth
Always have a full load when doing laundry
Always fill the dishwasher before running the cycle
Monitor your outdoor sprinklers; make sure they don’t go on in the rain!
Don’t hose the cement outside to wash it down; use a broom and sweep

Walk instead of drive
If it is a quick, close errand, walk. Save gas and get some exercise, too!

Save gas and traffic by carpooling to work or school Teach your children to respect the world and it will be a better place for everyone!
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