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Certified Organic

  • Image of organic carrots
    Melissa's Produce

    Daily Organic Servings

    August 2014
    I was reading the latest report from the Harvard School of Public Health the other day, and I found the latest results so surprising they were almost hard to believe.
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  • Image of Organic Oranges
    Melissa's Produce

    Making the Most of Melissa’s Produce

    May 2014
    I have a fruit bowl dance with my daughter at home. I walk by the fruit bowl each morning and take out the pear or orange that is ready to eat, so I can slow down the ripening process...
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  • Image of Organic Red Seedless Watermelons
    Melissa's Produce

    Save Now and Enjoy Later

    August 2013
    If you find yourself sitting at the kitchen table grinning at the cornucopia of summer bounty that is filling your fruit bowl, you're probably not alone as it’s hard not to appreciate this gift of Melissa’s Organic summer goodness.
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  • Image of Organic Kale
    Melissa's Produce

    Quality Organic Produce

    April 2013
    The first step in building such a practice around your house is to choose a produce department that focuses on quality organic produce and who buys from Melissa’s.
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  • Image of red and green cabbage
    Melissa's Produce

    Getting the Most from Your Produce

    January 2012
    The New Year is upon us, which of course brings the desire to eat better and to improve our health. And one of the best places to start this quest to eat better is your local produce department, with its full supply of Melissa’s Organic Produce.
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  • Image of Organic Beets
    Melissa's Produce

    Cooking is Cool Again

    October 2011
    Since many of us are cooking more at home these days (82% of specialty food consumers are cooking more at home due to the economy), it probably comes as no surprise that the type of meals served at home are becoming more ethnically diverse and varied.
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  • Image of Organic Tomatoes
    Melissa's Produce

    Variety Abounds

    August 2011
    If you like Melissa’s organic tomatoes in salads, soup and sandwiches, then August is your month.
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  • Image of Parsnips
    Melissa's Produce


    January 2011
    Roast them with some beets, rutabagas, and potatoes that have been tossed in olive oil and a little salt and pepper and you’ve got the start of something special for dinner.
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