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A Grape Way to Cool Down

Image of grapes

Black grapes, green grapes and red grapes are all in abundant supply right now and, frankly, are quite awesome in flavor. But this time of year, I really love Melissa’s organic Champagne grapes. Some people like to say, "I get no kick from champagne," but I’d counter they have never tried Melissa’s sweet little globes of joy called Champagne grapes. While not actually used for making Champagne, these Corinth grapes (real name) are the smallest of all seedless grapes, which is one reason why they are so popular. Though small and sweet, they do not have a really long shelf life - so eat them in a few days and let the flavor linger as they have a very short season and only come around once a year.

If you can’t find them where you shop, you will want to get some Melissa’s organic seedless grapes right now, as these beautiful green, black, and red varieties are so easy to eat and burst with flavor.

How to Choose Your Grapes:
Check the stem. It should be green, not brown, with firm, plump clusters securely attached to the tiny stem branches. If they fall off easily, they won’t hold up for long once you get them home.

Buyers note! Grapes do not ripen or sweeten after being picked, so you should choose grapes that are ready to eat. What does that look like?

Red and black varieties should be fully colored and not show any hints of green. As the month wears on, green grapes display a slight amber tint when ripe. When they start to show this amber color, they are amazing but don’t last long due to their high sugar content, so eat them quickly.

When you get your Melissa’s organic grapes home, they can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three to five days, stored in the plastic bag they come in or in a sealed Tupperware container.

For the best flavor, serve them slightly chilled to enhance their natural crispness.

So you’re hot, the house is hot, and you and your partner are a little grumpy from the heat. Don’t fret; remember the grapes you put in the freezer last night? (Did you forget? No worries, go do it now— they’ll freeze within a couple of hours.) Frozen Melissa’s organic green, red or black grapes are the perfect way to change your hotness into coolness with sweet, tasty pleasure. You can even use them as ice cubes in a glass of lemonade or gin and tonic. Heck, if you really want to have fun, peel them and toss them into each other’s mouths.

Not sure how to peel grapes?
Take your frozen Melissa’s organic grapes, run them under lukewarm water until skins split, then just slide the skins right off and give them a pop. By the time you’re done either savoring frozen ones or peeling and popping them, the day will have cooled down—and if it hasn’t, you’ll be in a better mood.

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