Baby Dutch Onions
Sold out
SKU 1598
For Chefs & Produce Managers Food Service: 323-584-4940 Produce Managers: 800-468-7111
Quantity/Pack: 3 Pounds
Seasonality: Year Round
Origin: USA
This new variety of white onion is larger than the petite pearl onion though much smaller than a standard white globe onion; the perfect one-portion size, which eliminates leftovers that usually waste away in the home refrigerator.
Stronger in flavor than yellow onions when eaten raw.
While cooking, this onion enhances its flavor and doesn't lose its texture in the process. These onions are great in salsa and guacamole.
The Baby Dutch white onion is a great addition to Latin American dishes, such as Huevos rancheros or refried beans or as a flavoring in soups.
Produce of Idaho.